
EN Icon Pfeil Icon Pfeil
EN Element 13300 Element 12300 DE


DIMA COMPACT solution ideally designed for curd cutting, cooking-stretching and moulding of any kind of “pasta filata” stretched cheese such as mozzarella, “fior di latte”, “mozzarella di Bufala”, pizza-cheese, provolone, scamorza, chechil, suluguni, ostiepok, parenica, oaxaca, …

Simple operation, compact structure, appropriate versatility to produce high quality cheese; designed for supermarkets, small and medium size dairies aiming to automate the cheese production, while maintaining a diversified and flexible production.

Capabilities available:

COMPACT 100: batch production from 10/15 kg up to 100 kg/h

COMPACT 200: continuous or batch production up to 200 kg/h

COMPACT 500: continuous or batch production up to 500 kg/h

COMPACT 500-2T: continuous or batch production up to 500 kg/h with double section of stretching arms; particularly indicated for very soft cheeses with high humidity content, such as buffalo mozzarella and Italian traditional fresh mozzarella.

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