The ORGANIC choice - Zanetti
The new Zanetti-Organic product line reflects an holistic business approach as per what Zanetti clearly stated in its First Sustainability Report - publicly communicated at the CIBUS Parma Show in May 2018. Zanetti believes that sustainability must have an overall attitude.
Zanetti products are of animal origin and that makes the Company attentive and careful to the final product quality first and reflects a concern that goes beyond products safety. The Co. sensible production approach goes along with the utmost respect of the production chain, granting the livestock wellbeing and correct feeding.
The organic choice is a benefit from three main points of view :
•Environment: respect and sustainable practices mean no-GMO and 100% organic farming;
•Animals: etiologic respect and animal wellbeing reflect themselves in the livestock breeding activities (antibiotic therapy reduction, larger livestock areas);
•Consumer: production chain guaranteed, no preservatives used and a healthy final product with the highest quality characteristics;
The word organic refers to the System itself, which allows each ring of the chain to be improved and safeguarded: from the ear of wheat to the consumer.
“Organic” is the guarantee of an healthy and natural final product and it’s much more than this:
INGREDIENTS: Milch*, salt, rennet (*from organic farming)
The production chain starts with the seeds used in the Organic-certified fields.
Organic agriculture grows thanks to the natural soil fertility and limits human interventions. It supports biodiversity in farming and livestock. It of course forbids chemicals and GMO additives.
The farmers - those who are Organic-certified - can assure that cows have larger areas available than what stated in the applicable law and that the animal biological cycle is always safeguarded. Pharmacological treatments are drastically reduced and - if any - they are strictly controlled.
Presentazione Linea Prodotti Zanetti-BIO a CIBUS 2018
The Zanetti-ORGANIC line proposes PDO hard cheeses – naturally Lactose free: Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano. These two traditional Italian cheeses with their over 1000 years long history, are able to explain human, animal and nature labor efforts.
The final consumer benefits from the highest guarantee on the production chain: the Control Authority assures that row materials and production procedures are compliant with the high and strict Organic standards.
the Organic Logo and EU labelling grant a swift and simple recognition of Organic products granting the related standard compliance as well.
The Organic Supply Chain
· Highest value to the producer and – therefore – to the product itself, by reducing the trading procedures the most,
· Bring back youths to agriculture,
· Match the statement “0-Km” or “0-impact” and “Organic” with the word “Natural” which is the feature that really counts.
· Keep the value of what the product is, forgetting distribution, logistics and finance matters.
“Organic” means overall respect for animals and plants and people: this respect helps to maintain biodiversity and to reduce treatments for an healthier and safer community. Zanetti SpA believes in the “whole-wellbeing principles” and promotes the consumer health, the environment respect and animal wellbeing. These goals have to be achieved by cooperating at every level and in different branches both locally and globally. That’s the olistic approach.
The common goal is to prevent and control illnesses (both human and animal) so as to preserve the ecosystem. A balance every living thing will benefit of and the biodiversity we all need.