Colonia: 01.-04.02.2026 #ismcologne


A key focal point for companies in the food sector and other industries is the question of how they can cope with the increasing level of competition. Due to this competitive pressure, all production processes need to offer the highest level of flexibility. For instance, this means that several versions of one product can be produced. This is possible thanks to a single IT system which controls and monitors all subordinate semi or fully automated process areas and is connected to ERP systems via integrated interfaces.
At the Cibus Tec in October, ProLeiT will present its modular IT system Plant iT with integrated MES functionalities for all process areas in the food industry. This industry-specific feature combined with cutting-edge information technology enables data transparency from the operational to the planning level and at all stages of value creation. ProLeiT presents several examples to show how mass data needs to be prepared in order to be evaluated correctly. Furthermore, it will be illustrated what intuitive and trend-setting operation may look like. 
Interested in our innovative solutions and informative conversations with our tech experts? - We are looking forward to welcoming you at our booth!

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